Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Lotek Chase D

Psyched on these. Out soon I hope, then some will be heading my way.
Courtesy of Defgrip:

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Baby Predictor

I discovered this fine piece of advertising in the Bathroom at Uni today. Baby predictor eh? predicts what your baby will look like. Ok, cool. That could be interesting. Maybe.
Step 1: Take photo of yourself.
Step 2: Take a photo of a friend.
Step 3: send to some rubbish-hole of a mobile phone marketing company.

Now, I hope I'm not reading into this too much or really jumping out on a limb, but logically to predict how your baby will look, it would blend your features with a baby, and probably the features of the person you intend to part-take in baby-making activities with. It does worry me, henceforth, why they have simply stated that you take a photo of a friend; not specified your partner. Which would make superloads of supersense. Like, "Hey, just a photo of any friend. Who knows, you may make babies with them. Same sex? Nah that's ok." I imagine high volumes of same-sex produced mongoloid babies. Excellent.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Seems there's a whole blog dedicated to taking swings at the guy. I liked the penis joke, referring to another post on the site.

Not my Penalty Units!

Oh no. Please! No! Take anything, but don't take my Penalty Units! Noooooo!!!!! Why!!!!!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

AJS Photos

My friend Andy Sheppard has an enjoyable collection of photos up on his site AJSPHOTOS:

Featured here, Logan Lego Rafiki Ross.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

10 Reasons it Would Rule to Date a Unicorn

Just incase you were wondering

Source: The Kiwi

Monday, December 8, 2008

Mona Vale Proposed Skatepark

My local's proposed replacement, slated for 2009/2010 financial year. Looks hectic. Bit to aligned in the plaza section. needs more abstraction. Further details at:
Pittwater Skatepark Plans

Ya herd.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

What's the deal Honey Buns?

Y'all like pop-tarts?

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Went to this show last night. Last concert ever for The Valley, a band some friends of friends were in, which has now split up to go different ways.

I ran through the rain to get to the show, stood through Nazarite Vow soaking wet, on my own, and yet still I enjoyed them greatly. Should have bought the shirt when I had a chance! My friends rocked up as they finished. Hotel Charlie were pretty average, I thought, just a bit too seppo. Forgiven Rival followed and were well good. Then House VS Hurricane were up, and were well respect. Finally The Valley were on, featuring Shaun Pretorius aka Preston Styles aka Sonny Truelove. Well worth the wait. They went off like the Hoff.

Overall 2 thumbs up for my first hardcore concert.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Writing on the Wall

Nike 6.0 has just released a BMX video with its team. I was stoked. I was amazed that Nike managed to put out a video that was alot of fun, while still fitting in their specified quota of product placements, and shoe cameos.

Vid can be watched or downloaded here:
And I highly recommend you do.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Mary Jane

Filmed and Edited a quick video today.

Free Ringtones from Lewis Hubbard on Vimeo.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Josh Pyke - Guitar Boat

A while back, a mate of mine told me he ended up in the new Josh Pyke video (the guy in short shorts on the wharf), so I looked it up this morning, and found it. I thought it was amusing.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Ken Block Gymkhana Practice


Also seen here in DC - Mountain Lab 1.5

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Growing a Mo for Prostate Cancer.
If you want to donate, go to the Majestic Dolphin Friendship Club's MoSpace at:

If you want to join the team, email me at

Monday, November 10, 2008

Incredibly concise definition of 'Year'

Means a period of 12 months extending from a day in a year to the day preceding the day corresponding numerically to that day in the following year, both days inclusive.


Thanks go to:

Friday, November 7, 2008

Random Photos

Camry with a Segway rack?
My car, jacked up, wheels nicked. LOLnot
Oscilloscope Function Generator
Numberplate outside friends house
My Rick Astley Vinyl. Heck yes
Coffee by Ryan Clark

Why would you wear a shirt with that on it?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Burrito Night

Always a good night.


I Enjoyed these pics posted on Trackosaurus Rex

First is obviously just more stenciled political art

Then these photos revolve (I believe) around the premiere of Macaframa, a fixie video I've been hanging out for. I love my fixie, but I don't think fixie tricks are very cool.


I wholeheartedly believe this is the beginning of something good.

Picture Sourced From:

Sunday, November 2, 2008

BEP Empire

I used to love this video and song. From when the Black Eyed Peas were a bit less commercial. Can't embed. Lame.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

A Birthday Gift

My Friend Mac (Style on your Substance) made this for me for my birthday. I love it, and It's now my glorious wallpaper.

Appropriated from this tattoo.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

So Nice

Spotted on
Photo by someone

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Purple Nurple

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Mr Minestrone

Think I've posted this before, but it's probably my favourite webvid.
All Mike Mastroni's videos are great.

WebEdit3 from Mike Mastroni on Vimeo.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Amuse yourselves

Alex Liiv's: Le Freaky Bone

This man is actually a professional stunt cyclist.

To see him smack his face in, go here:

Monday, October 6, 2008

From the man who brought you Trent from Punchy

Monday, September 22, 2008

Boyz N The Hood

On a bit of a thugular run, but I just watched this movie and was amazed. Almost made me cry, and movies don't usually make me cry, cos I'm terribly masculine. But seriously. Watch it, but mind the excessive language.

Let the Beat Build

I'm sure it samples something, but sounds awesome anyway. Real feelgood.
Lil Wayne - Let the Beat Build

Sunday, September 14, 2008

In contrast, and despite the lack of legitimate evidence...

This is the funniest thing I've seen in a while.


BMX #2 Finished

Done. Well, not quite.
Just finished building it from mainly spares. Still a few things I'd like to change, but pretty happy. Seat is on loan from my Sub, while I have it pulled apart for bar/fork spraying. Seat's sitting a little high, so I may cut down the seat-tube. White spokes don't actually look too bad on it either. had a quick ride in the darkness. good fun.

Cirque Du Soleil - Dralion

Went and saw Cirque Du Soleil on Friday night. EPIC. I imagined it to be quite talent-filled, but expected to get a little bored of it, but there was no chance that'd happen. Was just so intense, i was in awe the whole time. Confused how the George Michael/Barry Gibb/Freddie Mercury and Madonna/Alison Goldfrapp lovechild-twin duo got the singing lead parts. they were just confusing annoying. Definitely go see it if you can.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Gee Oh Dee

Mac requested I post my MS Paint of God (on earth, ie. Jesus, but pronounced haY-zoose), which I did for my interview on a bike forum.
Here it is and the blurb:

16/ Do you believe in god? Please draw your depiction of god using MS paint.
I do believe in God.

The Christian one. Bible says, he created man in his form, so he looks a lot like us, I suppose like Jesus’ hip dad. He drives a ute, which of course is practical for carrying bicycles, when he feels like shredding the gnar. Naturally, the LS2 conversion into his VS commodore-esque ute, wasn’t enough for him, so he slapped a custom Whipple 8/71 supercharger on top, running infinity PSI, and bored/stroked it out to shinty-six litres. Also, being commodore based, there’s no fuel cap on the right side. That’s because the ute runs on the goodwill of those around him. God’s rolling on custom Trinity rims, and custom 245/35R20 Maxxis Holy Rollers. The Headlights are HID, because he says his second coming, will be fairly bright. Headlights also spray water. Of course, God can cause his own downforce, but the racer front bar and GT wing ensure Bogans and Ricers alike can dig this sweet ride. Mullet suggests he means business, but wants to party, reflective sunnies are stylish and safe. Glowing white robes are there too, they’re just hardly visible. Pet toucan is just for good measure. Oh and he’s about to get sweet air.

Fruity Lexia

I was so happy to hear there was a song called Fruity Lexia. Released by Aussie hardcore band Amity Affliction. Downloaded Free and Legal Here

For those confused by why I could care less about such a name, Fruity Lexia is the best (worst) goon (cask wine) known to man. Pure indulgence at $7 for 30 std. drinks locally.

Monday, September 8, 2008

The English language and grammar system sucks

How is it that the worlds dumbest (prove me wrong?) language and grammar system, save for Pig Latin, is slowly becoming an international standard, causing the more logical languages to gradually become defunct? I'm a grammar nerd, (however I continue to muddle up wonder and wander) and think English language logic is so stupid. I am for one, however, very glad I don't have to learn another language, to communicate internationally. Instead, I can be lazy and just use the stupid language I was born into.

I very much enjoyed this video:

Sunday, September 7, 2008

New project on the come up

Putting another bike together mainly with spares. Starting to take shape!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Triple Cheeseburger, but I got quadruple cheese! And, (shouldn't start a sentence with and) Jesper got a phone number from a Maccas girl. hahaha. what a MEGA day.

Om nom nom nom fatoilblerggghhh nom

Sunday, August 31, 2008


Shoes should be able to go through more things.


Couldn't be bothered walking out to my car, but same case there.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Oh Hello again!

Haven't posted in ages. meant to post this up the day after my last post, but been busy freeing dolphins from slavery.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Friday arvo in the city

Standing at the bus stop on friday arvo, I discovered Electric Feel by MGMT is the perfect soundtrack for a chilled out afternoon in the city at the end of the week.

Alternatively Public Enemy's Harder than you think, is perfect for a sunny morning in the city.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Bobby Kanode


Bob's GT Edit from cleon on Vimeo.

Josh Pascoe - Avalonia

Finally managed to get my first web-video online. Josh wasn't feeling psyched for riding, I had to film with my wrong hand while my arm was in an immobiliser, i had to record the preview from windows movie maker straight off the screen, so lost the audio quality, then re-dubbed the song over it in Sony Vegas, before having to compress the video to get it online, but it's on! hopefully more edits in the future cos I had fun!

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Got interviewed on the bike forum I use mostly. Was a bit of fun to do.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Michael Sieben : Adidas

Amazing. I love Michael Sieben, and this short film they made was rad. Click the video link on the Treasure Chest

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

New Bike, Dead Arm

I've typed this so many places now, which is getting tiring seeing I have to do it one handed.

Rebuilt my bike yesterday, with my new frame and cranks, and a bit of a freshen up; rode for 2 hours, then dislocated my shoulder after slipping out in a wet pocket, an now can't ride it for 3 weeks! devvo. I love it though.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Sieben x Adidas

Michael Sieben is brilliant, and I like shoes, so I like these badboys. Not my pick of colours, but I'm still ogling them!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Morning Playlist


Was sitting on the bus this morning devvo at the thought of my exam, so I slang my ipod on, and found some mood-appropriate tunes. This is the Playlist I came up with. My thumb was happy to not twirl too far from the letter B, seeing as I was lazy. I'm also now too lazy to find you links to the songs

Cornershop - Brim Full of Asha
Bertie Blackman - Favourite Jeans
Beth Orton - Stolen Car
Band of Horses - The Funeral
Aretha Franklin - One Step Ahead
Angus & Julia Stone - Paper Aeroplane
Bob Dylan - Shelter from the Storm
Credence Clearwater Revival - I heard it through the Grapevine
Curtis Mayfield - Move on up
Dianna Ross - Reflections

Bertie Blackman and cornershop's playlist contribution have almost an identical start!

On the way home, to accentuate my mood, before my primary ipod's battery died, I listened to Mr Blue Skies by ELO, WHICH WAS GREAT!

Monday, July 7, 2008


I'm sick of posting un-original content, while I've been studying, so here are my hats!

St Louis is the only real New Era
Black LA is my Favourite
all 7 3/8
Beanies are great too.

hats are nice cos they keep you cosy.